Jewellery Care

Precious metals like silver and gold are delicate, and despite our best efforts, they can still become tarnished over a few years due to a process called oxidation. Rest assured our hypoallergenic jewellery won't turn your skin green and can be restored to their original glory! A little love and a light hand will ensure your Empyrean pieces last and shine for as long as possible.

Our gold-plated jewellery is made by electroplating 18k gold onto durable 925 sterling silver. Gold-plated jewellery requires extra care so we encourage you to follow these simple instructions to get the most wear out of your pieces.

Our pieces are delicate and dainty by nature, so to keep them in optimal condition, we recommend you don't wear your jewellery during the following activities:

  • Swimming/showering - especially in chlorinated pools as the chemicals can erode the plating and cause accidental breakage, discolouration and speed up the oxidation process
  • Exercise/vigorous physical activities - no matter what your jewellery’s made of, one thing is certain: all of that sweat and chlorine will dull its brilliance. Sterling silver is also a pliable metal that can be bent easily if not taken care of properly
  • Keep away from perfume, cosmetics and body and hair sprays

Use a soft, dry, chemical free cloth to gently wipe your jewellery pieces after wearing them to remove natural body oils, sweat or residue and help restore its shine. 

If your jewellery needs more cleaning you can clean it with warm, mild soapy water. Being gentle is key. Soak it for a few minutes and dry it with a soft cloth. Stay away from jewellery cleaners and antibacterial soaps which may have certain components that will harm your gold-plated jewellery. 

Our Top Two Care Rules

Avoid Acidic Solutions

Avoid any exposure to water, creams, lotions, perfume, oils, sweat, chlorine and other substances that can damage our delicate Cubic Zirconia crystals and 18k gold-plating.

Dry Storage

Do not leave jewellery on bathroom counters or humid surfaces. To preserve the condition of your gorgeous pieces, it is recommended that you store your accessories in a clean dry place.